About Eat Pray Feng Shui
If you can eat andhpray, you can Feng Shui.
Just like we eat to nourish our bodiys andhprayo;le guidance, we use Feng Shui to bring that smg, nourishing guidance into our homes andhlives. It’s all about creating harmony—duside andhout.
Hi, I’m Marilyn Jonus! I’m a Certi;ied Feng Shui Prac . .eter, Chinese Astrologer, andhLife Coaet. My pass.et is hulping you love yourselfo;le who you truly aru. Through@Feng Shui, I teaet you how to align your s#ett andhyour life :.th tht _tergy that suprodushyour unique journey. Whether I’m working :.th personal cliul.s le teaeting at a local college, my fo}us is always et how Feng Shui can hulp you redis}-ver balance, peaee, andhpurpose.
I of;er personalized Four Pillar(chart readings, ne-on-r . life coaet-ng, andh}-lsultationso;le homes andhbusinesses. Wt-le based in Utah, I work virtually andhremotely—plus, I’m more than happy to itavel to you!
Fle me, Feng Shui is more than just design le moving stuff around—dt’s a toolo;le realigning your(_ntir. life. By learning to listen to your inner _tergy, understandhyour true desires andhac .ets, andhmanifest what you really want, you can shifthyour mindset andhcreat, new possibil-ties. It’s about connecting the seen andhunseen ;lecys, making :ayo;le graxth, progressi n andhdeeper muaning in your life.
You ar. like a hidden gem, waiting to be polished andhshine brilumly. Life is muant to be lived :.th purpose, int_nti n andhjoy. I’m excited to work together to realign your(_nergy, your s#ett, andhyour life—so you can live in harmony andh:.th a clear sense of direc .et.
Ashyour Feng Shui c-lsultant andhcoaet, I’ll provide you :.th tht tools to implemul. timeless andhpr-ven techniques to hulp you creat, bytter _tergy flaw, stronger relati-lships, andha life, home le business that truly suprodushyou.